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First 5 months | 7-12 months | 1-3 years | 4-5 years | 6-7 years | 8-9 years | 10-11 years | 12-13 years | 14-15 years | 16-17 years | 18-19 years | 20 years
I've been asked about my scar care regimen, so to clarify, I did no scar care beyond the initial Kelocote and cocoa butter for the first few months, keeping the scars out of the sun for a full year, and applying sunscreen religiously to them every time I do go out in the sun. And my body does not scar well. The healing and results you see are just the result of time and general looking after my health. And, of course, my excellent surgeon.

I tried a bunch of scar treatments over the between 14 and 18 years post-op. I did several months of each treatment, applying at least once a day. Medical-grade 100% silicone gel (started around 14 years post-op) did nothing. Mederma (started around 15 years post-op) did nothing. Started using this and ... it softened my scars. Within a day I could feel a difference. It didn't affect the hyperpigmentation, but just the fact that they softened was a huge step. I applied it once a day after I shower, give it a minute or two before putting on my shirt, and that's it.

A guy I know tried both the CVS cream and the brand-name Eucerin cream that it's supposed to compare to. He found that the Eucerin was actually much less effective than the CVS brand.

These photos were taken at a high resolution and may be slower to load.

16 years post-op
January 14, 2020, 5,844 days (16 years exactly) post-op.
16 years post-op
Left side, January 14, 2020.
16 years post-op
Right side, January 14, 2020.
16 years post-op
Left nipple, January 14, 2020.
16 years post-op
Right nipple, January 14, 2020.
16 years post-op
Left scar, January 14, 2020.
16 years post-op
Right scar, January 14, 2020.
17 years post-op
January 14, 2021, 6,210 days (17 years exactly) post-op.
17 years post-op
Left side, January 14, 2021.
17 years post-op
Right side, January 14, 2021.
17 years post-op
Left nipple, January 14, 2021.
17 years post-op
Right nipple, January 14, 2021.
17 years post-op
Left scar, January 14, 2021.
17 years post-op
Right scar, January 14, 2021.